lawn care services

Find an electric lawn care contractor in your area

If you hire out your lawn maintenance, you’ll find a directory of Vermont electric lawn care contractors below.
Sunrise Valley Property Maintenance, LLC
Waterbury Center (& nearby Towns)
Andrew Rianhard
View website
Williston, Essex, S. Burlington
Mark Allard
(802) 999-9314View website
Green Bee Lawn & Garden
Chester, Windsor County
Tim Roper
(802) 289-1968View website
Bear Mountain Mowing
NE Addison County
Jay Thomas
(802) 398-7153View website
The Electric Lawn
Norwich, Wilder, WRJ, Hanover
Krystyna Oszkinis & Matt Stuart
(802) 281-0781View website
Heart & Soil Landscaping
Greater Burlington area
Mark & Kelly Foster
(802) 865-3300View website
Greener Lawcare
Greater Burlington area
Nate Carr
(802) 425-5222View website
The Green Side
Greater Burlington area
Scott Butts
(802) 881-2515View website

Can’t Find a Contractor in Your Area?

If you can’t find an electric lawn care contractor in your area, and if you’d like to encourage more contractors to start offering this service, you can help make that happen by completing and submitting this brief market research survey. You can choose to remain anonymous (except for your first name and town), or give us permission to provide your contact information to lawn care contractors in your area who are considering offering E-lawn care services.

Are You an E-Lawn Care Contractor?

If you’re a Vermont contractor offering electric mowing services, or are in the process of transitioning to battery-electric lawn care equipment, and would like your business to be listed on this directory, please contact us and we’ll be happy to add you.

Are You a Contractor Considering Offering E-Lawn Care?

The Mow Electric! Campaign can provide contact information of Vermonters who’ve asked to be connected with E-contractors. We can also share general market data to demonstrate the demand for E-lawn care services in your area. Contact us to request this information.